CEO Message

The world is currently entering an impulsive wave of financial challenges. The business sector in Pakistan needs to strengthen and equip its organizations with necessary capabilities to meet new challenges. With the dawn of the new millennium, establishment of an exclusively dynamic and profoundly committed institution was envisioned.

IJARA needs no formal introduction. It has been recognized as an organization with innovative strategic thinking, dynamism, unwavering commitment, foreseeing future needs and educating industries accordingly are some of the prominent traits of the IJARA. The basic aim of establishing IJARA is to meet the emerging challenges, address the broader corporate, structural, cultural, organizational and strategic financial issues and ensure the use of innovative solutions in order to take on the challenges of today's highly competitive and complex market. It emphasizes on personal growth by enhancing ability to foresee, asses, strive and succeed not only for itself, but also for its affiliates. We take pride in being the pioneers of envisioning the future business needs, both national and global, and doing our best to develop business sectors in Pakistan.

We provide unique opportunities to aspiring corporates who want their businesses to flourish in the national and international markets, respectively. We have sufficient resources with the necessary knowledge and skill needed for success which has enabled us to become a leading financial powerhouse and to maintain high customer satisfaction levels at all times.